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Welcome to Benicia Fastpitch!

2025 Spring Season


Benicia Fastpitch Softball wants to thank you for volunteering to coach our young athletes. Coaches are essential to the game. Coaches not only teach our athletes foundational skills essential to success on the field—coaches create the environment necessary for our athletes to develop self-confidence and core principles of teamwork and good sportsmanship essential to success in life. Our young athletes will quickly become part of your “family.” It is our goal to provide you with all necessary tools, resources and education. Understand the most important tools you already possess— patience, compassion and dedication.
Thanks again and we will see you on the field.

Benicia Fastpitch Girls Softball Mission Statement
Benicia Fastpitch Softball is a non-profit organization completely run by volunteer and sponsorship support and participation. Our mission is to provide every athlete in our league a fun, safe and skills-based environment to participate in and contribute to.

We are committed to teaching and growing our youth into team players who are challenged in their athletic ability both physically and mentally.

We are committed to encourage, promote and require good sportsmanship, good conduct and a strong commitment from every athlete, coach, manager and family member that participates in our league both on and off the field.

We are committed to building character and healthy friendships and to instill a lifestyle of service, discipline and positive attitudes that will be displayed not only in our league, but carried into our families, our schools and our community.  

BFP Coaches Handbook

2024 BFP Division Rules

Coaches Documents

Coaching 101




Practicing Efficiently (



How to throw a ball:

How to throw in the outfield:


Wrist Snap Drill:

Throwing Progressions:

Softball Throwing drills: One-knee Snaps & The Figure-eight


How to catch a softball:

Softball Catching Drills: Footwork

Fielding a ground ball:

Softball Fielding Triangles:

How to catch a fly ball:

How to charge an infield hit:

How to crow hop in the outfield:


Ground ball work progressions: (Drill everyone should be doing to warm up the infield)

Advanced Defensive drills:

ASA/USA Softball – Foundations of Fielding Part 3-8


Running to first:

Running to first – Rounding

Base running –

HITTING (Hitting is a very specific skill that can be taught in a very basic fashion, however, if you want your player(s) t be sound fundamental hitters, have them get professional lessons.)

How to hit a softball:

Division Expectations & Practices


Benicia Fastpitch Girls Softball seeks to ensure the game of Softball seeks to ensure the game of softball is coached in a manner allowing for athletes to “seamlessly” transition to the next level of competition. This requires the coaches for each division to focus on teaching their athletes the fundamentals necessary for transition to the next level. Each athlete is unique. Each athlete will develop at varying rates. If our coaches are consistent on teaching these following best practices along with creating a positive competitive environment, however, the athletes will each develop as both softball players and young ladies. Depending on the level you are coaching, Benicia Fastpitch Girls Softball offers these guidelines to assist in the construction of effective practice plans designed to enable our athletes to improve through the course of a season. As the girls advance, practices may appear to be the same, but the level of demand will and should increase. It is also our hope that as these “best practices” are put in place, each Benicia Fastpitch Girls Softball athlete will develop a sound softball IQ. Physically being able to play the game is one part, the other is mentally understanding how to play the game. The following represents what Benicia Fastpitch understands should be the focus at each younger division in order to develop each athlete for the next level of competition.


6U DIVISION (Rookie)

•        Throwing

·        How to hold the softball

·        Basic throwing mechanics

•        Fielding

·        How to catch the ball

·        How to field a ground ball

·        Body positioning and basic footwork

·        Where to throw the ball

·        Positions on the field and where they are

·        Hitting (Hitting can be taught various ways.)

·        How to hold the bat

· Basic stance in the batter’s box (e.g., “feet set” – shoulder width; “bat back”; “swing hard”)

·        Know the areas of the batter’s box (front of the box, back of the box)

·        Identify simple terminology for hitters (e.g., swing “shoulder to shoulder”; “chin down”/ “watch the ball”)

•        Base Running

·        After you hit the ball, where to run

·        Run through the base (focus on kids running to the orange base and at least 5-7ft past the base veering toward the right)

·        Running base to base



•        Throwing

·        How to hold the softball

·        Basic throwing mechanics

·        Footwork on throwing toward your target

•        Fielding

·        How to catch the ball

·        How to field a ground ball

·        How to field a fly ball

·        Body positioning and basic footwork

·        Where to throw the ball

·        Defensive Positions on the field and where they are

•        Hitting (Hitting can be taught various ways.)

·        How to hold the bat

·        Basic stance in the batter’s box

·        Know the areas of the batter’s box (Up in the box, back of the box)

·        Identify simple terminology for hitters

·        How to Bunt

•        Base Running

·        After you hit the ball, where to run

·        Run through the base (focus on kids running to the orange base and at least 5-7ft past the base veering toward the right)

·        Rounding base

·        Leading off

·        Stealing

·        Sliding

·        Running base to base

·        Watching and listening to base coaches

•        Pitchers o Basic mechanics (e.g., set position; “windmill” motion; “power line”; release/follow through)

·        Focus on throwing strikes

•        Catchers

·        Basic mechanics (e.g., foot positioning; target; catching pitch; throwback to pitcher; basic blocking; throw downs to second/third)

·        Focus on working with pitcher (e.g., getting pitcher into a “rhythm”)

10U DIVISION (Junior)

•        Throwing

·        Throwing mechanics

·        Footwork on throwing toward/through your target

·        Infield throw – 2nd/SS/3rd to 1st

·        Outfield throw – Hit cutoff + throw 1st/2nd/3rd/Home – Long toss

•        Fielding

·        Body positioning and basic footwork

·        Situations – Defensive Positions on the field and where they should be (e.g., no runners on base; runner on first; runner on first/second; bases loaded)

·        Bunts – covering bases

·        Fly Balls – cutoffs/tag ups

·        Stealing – throw downs to second/third; covering home

·        Live Ball/Dropped 3rd Strike

•        Hitting (Hitting can be taught various ways.)

·        Routine (e.g., time out; set in box; looking to coach between pitches; signs; etc.)

·        Batter’s Box (e.g., front (1)/middle (2)/back (3) in box)

·        Bunting

•        Base Running

·        Run through first base (focus on kids running through the orange base; “breakdown” within 5-7ft past the base OR rounding base; look/listen to first base coach)

·        Running base-to-base (e.g., rounding bases; looking; sliding; finding next base coach; etc.)

·        Leading off

·        Stealing (regular; delayed)

·        Sliding

·        Live Ball/Dropped 3rd Strike

•        Pitchers o Basic mechanics (e.g., set position; “windmill” motion; “power line”; release/follow through)

·        Focus on throwing strikes

·        Focus on changing speeds/change up o Covering home (e.g., passed ball)

·        Control of Field (e.g., when to stay in circle)

·        Delayed Steals

•        Catchers

·        Basic mechanics (e.g., foot positioning; target; catching pitch; throwback to pitcher; basic blocking; throw downs to second/third)

·        Focus on working with pitcher & coach (e.g., getting pitcher into a “rhythm”; taking/giving signs)

·        Passed Balls/Dropped Balls (e.g., dropped third strike – throw down to first; passed ball – toss to pitcher covering to home.)

Contact Us

Benicia Fastpitch Softball

540 Rose Drive 
Benicia, California 94510

Email: [email protected]

Benicia Fastpitch Softball

540 Rose Drive 
Benicia, California 94510

Email: [email protected]
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